Model development

The Prototype

n close cooperation with our customers and under consideration of their ideas a detailed model and functional description will be developed at first. This description lists all demanded and technically feasible features in detail.

Using original 3D data, photos and sketches a virtual model true to the original results in the construction department with all later components, functions and details. Based on these data a prototype, also called hand model, arises in the sample department. All possible problems which can appear depending on complexity of the target model can be recognized and if necessary improved here. After a successful conclusion of this test phase the construction data will be updated and the required injection and die casting molds designed.

The Cast Parts

In the tooling department the steel molds for the production of the injection and die cast parts will be prepared accurate to a fraction of a millimeter by using high-precise CNC machine tools.

In these molds a 410° degrees Celsius hot liquid zinc alloy is poured with a high pressure by pouring machines. Per mold one or more components can be manufactured depending on size and composition. The liquid metal fills in the mold over little channels one part after the other. The plastic parts are formed in a very similar method, though you do not speak of pouring but of injecting.
The metal raw parts will be relieved from production conditional sharp edges by slip grinding machines and subjected to a quality control.

The Painting

Now each raw part gets its respective color. The paint shops are equipped according to most modern consideration of today's painting technology and of course fulfill all requirements of the health and environmental protection according to European standards.


Charging the varnish particles are taken up evenly on the part surface. Water sprinkler systems bind the surplus varnish fog which then can be disposed without problems. Special filters make the work possible completely dust-free. A light excess pressure in the painting hall prevents that when opening the doors dust can penetrate into the neighboring workrooms. The color is then branded at 150° degrees Celsius in a kiln.


By tampon printing presses the company specific prints are attached now. A circuit board is made with an etched contour of the print. Into this contour color is drawn which will be removed by a stamp, the so-called tampon, and will be printed on the model part.

The Assambly

The printed components can be joined together now to a model.
With especially made devices wheels are pressed on axes or upper and under carriage screwed together for example. In careful hand work components like mirrors, antenna or lamps must be put and stuck together in little locating holes. After control of all fixings a last function and quality control will be made.

The Packaging

We pack the predominant part of our models in stable and shock-proof styrofoam. This is already designed in the prototype phase. For the production little foamed up styrofoam balls are filled in molds and then baked with hot steam to a solid block.

The colored covering box is designed by a graphic artist in cooperation with our customers. This on carton printed layout will be stamped, folded and glued mechanical.

Now every NZG model can begin his long journey to customers all around the globe.



